As a member of Professionals Australia, you can take advantage of our Financial Planning offer. This includes a free, no-obligation initial consultation with a qualified financial adviser. For details on how we work with members to deliver high-quality advice, please review our financial planning process outlined below.
As a member, you have the potential to achieve greater financial success. Let us share our strategies and insights to help safeguard your finances and build sustainable, long-term prosperity for you and your family.
Below are key areas where we can provide advice to enhance your financial well-being and help you achieve your long-term goals.
Retirement should be a time to enjoy the company of family and friends as well as the pursuit of our favourite hobbies unimpeded by distractions such as work.
However, without good planning it can be hard to tell whether you will have enough super and savings to retire and how to make the most of that income.
When is the right time to retire? Have you developed the best plan to ensure you have a comfortable amount of savings in place?
How can we help:
We understand the concerns you might have about your retirement planning. We can help in a number of ways, including:
If you want to make the most of your retirement funds, you’ll need to be disciplined and prepared. You’ll want to know exactly how much money you need on a day-to-day basis, and take into account any future plans such as travelling or taking up a hobby.
When re-investing your retirement funds, you’ll consider how much income you need to live, and how much disposable money you’ll want to have aside to allow you to make informed investment decisions.
How can we help:
We know that once you’re in retirement, it can be a worrying time. That’s why our practiced financial advisers take the time to listen to your needs and create the most sound investment strategies possible.
Our financial advisers can help you through retirement by:
Your wealth is hugely important, not just to help you day by day but to consolidate your future comfort. Clever financial planning can see your wealth bloom into a healthy retirement fund. But it can also benefit the rest of your family – your children’s education and their inheritance, for example.
Once you’ve built your wealth, it’s important you put it into the best channels to grow it further. This could be through clever investments, including cash, equities, fixed income, and property. Or it could be through adopting the right strategies, such as structuring your estate effectively.
How can we help:
We focus on quality, reliable, and diversified investments across the major asset classes. We know that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to investment, so our advisers factor in your own objectives and preferences in creating a reliable investment portfolio. Our client portfolios account for your own objectives, including:
The initial meeting is obligation free. It’s an opportunity to discuss your current financial situation, what is important to you and ultimately what you are trying to achieve.
The Statement of Advice is your financial plan. It will outline the recommendations in relation to the relevant strategies and how they will help you achieve your goals.
We will work closely with you to implement your financial strategy step-by-step. This is to ensure the advice is executed in a timely and accurate manner.
Life, legislation and investment markets are constantly changing. You will benefit from the ongoing support, and we will review your plan regularly. This is to ensure you stay on track.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.